Svalbard’s Biography
It all started in September 2002. Both Cyroth and Zulnoch were enrolled in Political Science at Laval University in Quebec City. Having a similar musical background, they decided to form a Black Metal band. This bands first appearance was at the Political Science variety show, dubbed the Polishow. They then met Nicolas Therrien, a peerless guitarist nicknamed Popa, who wanted to join a band. So in January 2003, they found a place to practice at a bargain price.
After a couple of practices, they came to the conclusion that they needed a second guitarist. Myth, Zulnoch's brother, earned his place after a brief audition. He brought a melancholic aspect to Popa's songs, outshining Popa and finally taking his place as lead guitarist. This, coupled with Popa’s divergent musical interests, made him feel out of place. He quit.
The band temporarily took the name Hollow to play two songs at the Polishow. They had so much fun that the idea of more public performances seemed a priority. So the creation continued...
In June 2003, the band was approached by friends from a grindcore band, Les Brigadiers Du Mal, to participate at the Gore Fest 2003 in Ste-Marie de Beauce. The band accepted the invitation with great pleasure and once again immerged as Hollow. It was a success...
The search for a new name was problematic. They wanted an original Nordic name and one that represented the force and strength of nature. One day, Cyroth proposed Svalbard, in honour of the Norway Isles which border the Artic. It was unanimous. Svalbard was born to the night...
While further developing their sound one thing became apparent, they needed a bassman. A friend of Cyroth had just moved to the city and had a similar background in musical tastes. After a seating Ulroth joined the band and played at its first show under the Svalbard name in April 2004. This was also the recording of their first demo : Live in Québec City.
The band would practice, get drunk and go play in bars. That was Svalbard’s spirit.
The 24th of June (Quebecer’s national day) 2005, Cyroth announced that he could no longer be part of the band. His increasing workload and imminent emigration conflicted with the creative process of the band. An excellent vocalist left.
For a while the band became a trio, changing the one man lyrics to three. In 2009, Ulroth announced that he was also leaving the band. A lack of time and the great distance between him and the other members were problematic. The band felt a great lost, as Ulroth was a great musician and friend.
After a couple of auditions, in 2010 Svalbard recruited two new members. Goat, the vocalist from Herskip, decided to join in. Soon after, the band invited the bassman, Void.
Today, Svalbard continues its creativeness and its implication in the underground metal scene. With seven albums already produced, they continue to perfect their music and their theatrical presence. True to the bands original spirit, Svalbard rides on to satisfy their pleasure of playing for their fans.

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